Park Introduction
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Middle Rock Temple

Middle Rock Temple is named after its location between Wanshi Rock and Eternal Peace Rock. According to a poem by a predecessor, “The middle rock is located between two rocks. The mountain path is winding, and there is only one narrow trail up. When one arrives at the pramudita-bhumi (Joyful Land) in front of the temple, the ‘jade scepter’ before our eyes temple is Middle Rock Temple, and the mountain is Middle Rock Mountain. Beneath it is Wanshi Lotus Temple, also known as lower rock. Above it is Eternal Peace Rock Temple, called upper rock. Middle Rock Temple doesn’t have a large area. It is built by the mountain and zigzagged along with the terrain of mountain. The main temples become overlooking platforms, and the vision is very wide. “Widen your vision” is the landscape feature here. Inside the temple, a huge boulder bears the Chinese character “Jade scepter”, which is handwritten by Zheng Lian in the fourth year of Shunzhi period in the Dynasty. The stone is flat and clean, stands lofty and firm, just like a scepter, hence the name “Middle Rock Jade Scepter”.